Exam Relief FACT Lounge

Volition Franklin FACT Youth hosted a FACT Lounge m during exam week at Franklin High School.  Students could drop in, have breakfast, play scratch off tobacco prevention games from FACT, listen to music, and play other board games prior to exams.  A therapy dog was also available as an anxiety and stress reducing technique.  There were also positive affirmations written on the boards around the classroom.  A councilor, the school social worker, and a public health nurse staffed the event and offered support to students.   The exam relief room offered a time to for students to relax, prepare for, and cultivate a positive mindset prior to taking their exams.  

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Prevention Week

Volition Youth members participated in Prevention Week by creating Franklin’s Largest Word Search! Community members have the opportunity to find prevention-themed words in a 7.5x7.5 feet word search. Students also created posters defining each word that people can find with statistics or sentences including each word. People who participate can win a prize! The display is posted in Franklin City Hall.

At the high school, students also made a display about healthy decision about substance misuse in the Main Commons of school.

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Franklin 5K

Volition Franklin and Operation Fit Franklin hosted a Franklin 5K on May 4th. Volition Franklin Youth helped pass our metals to finishers, balloons to children, and cheered people on as they ran. Members also hosted the water station halfway through the race. Over 150 participated in the event. Some Volition Youth members even participated with their families!


Liv and Shreya were honored at the Saber Gold Walk on Friday, April 5th for their leadership and dedication on the FACT state youth board of directors. Liv and Shreya have served three and two terms, respectively, advocating for youth tobacco prevention. Congratulations ladies!

FACT Shirts

Students made FACT shirts with spray paint and stencils. FACT is Wisconsin’s Youth tobacco prevention group and aims to spread the truth about tobacco. Students will wear these shirts to school and help spread the truth. They look awesome!

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St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt

 Middle School Volition Youth members challenged their peers to complete a St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt around school March 11-15.  St. Patrick’s Day-themed shapes were hidden around school. Under the shapes were facts about prescription pills, underage drinking, tobacco, and marijuana.  Students were tasked with finding four different shapes/ facts and writing them out on the green scavenger hunt forms, also placed around school.  Home base teachers were also given directions and forms for students. Once completed, students had the opportunity to turn their completed form in at lunch for a prize.  22 students completed the scavenger hunt.

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Peers With Purpose

21 Volition Youth were interviewed, selected, and trained to be a Peers With Purpose presenter in 2019.  Youth were first interviewed by Mr. Rivera, high school social worker and co-adviser for the high school youth group.  Students then completed a 2.5 hour training during school in February, led by veteran student presenters.  Youth were divided into three groups to present the content to 8th grade students at Forest Park Middle School.  On the day of the training, youth presenters conducted the interactive content to over 350 8th grader students over 12 class periods.  Content included information and activities on drugs, alcohol, prescription pills, and tobacco.  8th grade student seemed engaged in the content. 

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Volition Franklin Success Series: Mindfulness

The February Volition Franklin Success Series at Franklin High School focused on mindfulness.  Students had the opportunity to sign up for the Success Series during their “Gold Block” time during school.  Mr. Rivera, the school social worker, led a short lesson about mindfulness and being conscious of our minds, body, and spirit.  We discussed the need to the aware of our surroundings and the need to clear our minds at times.  One strategy to do this, is through a mindfulness jar.  Students created a mindfulness jar by mixing a variety of glitter and sequins so that when shaken, the glitter slowly settles to the bottom of the jar.  Watching the glitter slowly settle allows one to relax, clear the mind of stressors, “let go”, and focus on oneself in a healthy way.   Students also personalized their jar with stickers.  One student made a jar for their friend who was going through an especially difficult time.  Later that day, it was observed that students posted their mindfulness jars on their social media accounts with the lessons they learned that day.

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Vaping Valentines Day Activity

Volition Youth members put labels on candy that said “there is nothing sweet about vaping”.  At the middle school, a bag of candy and information about e-cigarettes and how sweet flavors target and lure youth into trying such an addicting product, was given to each Home Base teacher to distribute to their class.  At the high school, Volition Youth members each took a bag of candy to distribute to their classes or during lunch.  About 2,000 middle and high school students were reached during this activity.

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8th Positive Peer Influence Presentation

Volition youth members participated in presented to all 8th grade Forest Park Middle School students about vaping and how to be an advocate.  The high school Athletics Director led a presentation about vaping, health effects, and addiction.  The students then broke out into three subgroups—how vaping effects athletics and activities, the health effects of vaping on the body, and how to be a positive peer influence.  Volition Youth members presented content about advocacy, how to be a positive peer influence, and demonstrated refusal skills.  In one of the activities, 8th grade students were asked to write how they were a positive peer influence.  Some examples they provided were:

·         I’m a good peer to my fiends because I support them in what they want to do that’s good

·         My friends feel open to ask me for help/ advice and I make sure they know that

·         I’m good a cheering people up

·         I accept them for who they are and encourage them to stay strong

About 75 8th grade students chose to attend this breakout session. Six Volition Youth members presented over the course of four days (eight presentations).